Whether it's a small group study, book group, art class, monthly breakfast or more, we hope you can find a group that fits your needs and interests at FUMC LaGrange. And, if you have an idea of something you'd like to offer or see offered, contact Pastor Lisa!
Wednesday Prayer with Pastor Cerna- "Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Sign up for 9:30 am in the chapel or join on zoom at 5:30 pm. Contact the office for these links. Yoga Class - Taught by certified instructor Jaci McCarty, yoga classes are offered weekly in the Activity Center. Classes are designed to be multi-level and focus on breath-awareness, intention, and compassion for self, along with a variety of yoga postures.
UMW Bible Study - Led by Martha Barry, this study will meet on Wednesdays (beginning Sept. 6) at 4:00pm in Room 208, and will examine the Book of Romans.
Children & Family Ministry Small Group - Children & Family Ministry (CFM) Co-Directors Jen Robison & Peggy Ellis lead a small group discussion during the school year on Wednesdays, from 4:30-5:15 pm. Childcare is provided during this time. If you are interested in meeting on Zoom, contact Peggy at [email protected]
Watercolor Classes - Classes are Tuesday mornings from 9:30-noon. Students learn basic painting concepts and techniques while painting a new subject each week. All skill levels welcome. If you are interested in meeting on Zoom, contact Peggy Ellis at [email protected].