Jr High Youth Ministry at FUMC LaGrange is with 7th & 8th graders.
All youth, from any background, are welcome to attend our weekly Jr High 180 gatherings. We meet most Wednesdays through the school year, from 7:00-8:30pm, in the Jr High Room (Room 17, on the lower level of the Church).
At Jr High 180, we hang out, pray together, ask tough questions, have fun, eat, and play games. We try to laugh as much as possible, but we value times when we need to be serious together, too. In the world of many Jr High students, most things are changing, all of the time. Through 180, we'll learn about a dependable God, and how we can form a connection with that God. Jr High 180 is also designed to work in conjunction with the Confirmation Program.
All youth, from any background, are welcome to attend our weekly Jr High 180 gatherings. We meet most Wednesdays through the school year, from 7:00-8:30pm, in the Jr High Room (Room 17, on the lower level of the Church).
At Jr High 180, we hang out, pray together, ask tough questions, have fun, eat, and play games. We try to laugh as much as possible, but we value times when we need to be serious together, too. In the world of many Jr High students, most things are changing, all of the time. Through 180, we'll learn about a dependable God, and how we can form a connection with that God. Jr High 180 is also designed to work in conjunction with the Confirmation Program.
The Confirmation Program is designed for 8th grade students, but older youth are welcome to participate. It requires a September-May commitment. Led by Youth Minister Hattie Koher, Pastor Cerna Rand, and Co-Director of Children & Family Ministry Peggy Ellis, the program is designed to offer students opportunity to explore:
Attendance at monthly Wednesday night class sessions as well as Sunday School and weekly Junior High 180 is a requirement of the program. Other events in which students will be asked to participate include Jr High Fall Retreat, weekly TGiW, various service projects and field trips, meetings with their Confirmation Mentor, and attendance at a Church Leadership Council meeting. |
In addition to weekly youth group, there are several ways for junior high youth to explore their faith and help extend Christ's reach in the world around them. These include:
For more information, to join the weekly Tuesday Jr High 180 parent email, or to learn how you can get involved, contact Hattie at [email protected] or (708)352-1250, ext. 228.